Still-Life, Figurative, & Landscape Painting

- The Guardians
- Red Door
- The Met
- Path of Glory
After acquiring a BFA in graphic design with a minor in painting from the Cleveland Institute of Art, Chuck Kovacic art directed numerous advertising campaigns for a variety of print and media clients and detailed urban revitalization programs for communities participating in the “Main Street” program for the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Upon relocating to Southern California, he utilized his artistic skills as a restoration expert specializing in pre-1950 merchandising ephemera and related antiques. These disparate interests contributed to his creation of 221b BAKER STREET/Los Angeles, a full scale recreation of the sitting room of the famed detective, Sherlock Holmes. He has staged “speaker” presentations for numerous Fortune 500 companies. As part of the CAC’s revived lecture series, “Conversations In The Atelier,” Chuck has hosted videotaped interviews with numerous distinguished fellow artists.
In 2016 he was honored to be the recipient of the CAC’s “William and Julia Bracken Wendt Award.” In 2018, he received the CAC “Special Achievement Award.” He regularly exhibits at the Old Mill in San Marino, Hillside Gallery in Claremont, CA, Hudson Fine Art in Hudson, OH and the annual Gold Medal show. He has been a guest artist of the Kaiping Museum of Art in China, as well as in Provence, Switzerland and Scotland and has participated in events throughout California and Ohio.
“I am particularly interested in the wealth of subjects found along the California shores and ridgelines. Working in the plein air tradition allows me the immediacy of light, shadow and color.”
Chuck is a member of the Oil Painters of America and the American Impressionist Society and an “Honor Court” member of the Mid Valley Art League. He is honored to be a “Signature” member of the California Art Club.